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Politique de confidentialité

Lobby Registry approaches its communications on the Internet with respect for, and commitment to protecting, your privacy rights. This privacy policy describes how we collect, protect, use and share information gathered about you on the Lobby Registry website (the “Lobby Registry Site”). We hope that this disclosure will help increase your confidence in our site and enhance your experience on the Internet. Lobby Registry reserves the right to alter this Privacy Policy from time to time and such changes will be effective ten days following the date on which this Privacy Policy is revised and posted on our site. We encourage you to visit this page from time to time to view our most recent Privacy Policy.

Qu’entend-on par renseignements personnels ?

Personal information includes information that can be used to identify an individual through association or inference. Personal information collected by Lobby Registry may include your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, age and other information that may be required to administer promotions and provide you with other services through the Lobby Registry Site and other marketing channels.

Qu’entend-on par renseignements personnels ?

We collect personal information from you only for the purposes we identify to you at or prior to the time we collect such personal information. We do not collect any personal information when you access, surf or view the content on the Lobby Registry Site. For those few activities on our Site where the collection of personally identifiable information is necessary (for example, when you contact us with a question or when you participate in one of Lobby Registry’s online promotions), you will know because the purposes for which your personal information is to be used will be identified to you. For those activities, we may collect, for example, your name, street address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and postal code. We will not collect more information than is necessary.

Lobby Registry recueille-t-il ou utilise-t-il les informations recueillies auprès de vous grâce à la technologie ?

The Lobby Registry Site collects some information about you using technology, so it may not be readily apparent to you that it is being collected. For instance, when you come to our Site, your IP address is collected so that we know how many visits we have had by separate individuals. An IP address is often associated with the place from which you enter the Internet like your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or your firm or company. This information is not personally identifiable. We also use a feature called “cookies” which identifies your browser to us each time you visit our Site. None of the information collected is personally identifiable. We may use and disclose this information to affiliates and other third parties to measure the use of our Site and to improve our Site.

Comment Lobby Registry utilise-t-il les informations personnelles qu’il a recueillies auprès de vous ?

Providing personal information is up to you, our visitor. We collect personally identifiable information to enter you in contests and notify you of results, to e-mail you with updates and news, to respond to your questions or comments, to register you for certain features, and/or to send out brochures and other information on our products or our company. We may ask visitors providing e-mail addresses to let us know if they would like further information or updates from us or our Site; only those who request it will receive follow-up e-mail or other communications from us. In that case, we may also offer visitors an “opt-out” option at any time they wish to cease receiving e-mails or other information from us. We will only use such information for the purposes of (1) administering certain programs as identified to you at the time of collection, and (2) in a form where the information is no longer identifiable with you, for statistical and marketing analyses.

À qui Lobby Registry fournira-t-il vos informations personnelles ?

Nous seuls utiliserons vos renseignements personnels. Nous ne divulguerons pas vos renseignements personnels, sauf :

(a) to third party service providers with whom Lobby Registry has a contractual agreement, which includes appropriate privacy standards, for the purpose of (i) fulfilling promotional product requests and sending prizes to winners of contests run by Lobby Registry and contests run by third parties on behalf of Lobby Registry; (ii) performing functions such as data processing, database services or information technology support; (iii) providing insurance for Lobby Registry product liability claims on behalf of Lobby Registry; and (iv) marketing or providing information about any of Lobby Registry’s products; and

(b) (b) pour se conformer à des actions légales comme l’ordonnance d’un tribunal ; pour faire appliquer nos modalités d’utilisation, les règles du site web ou le règlement d’un concours ; ou pour assurer la sécurité de nos visiteurs et de notre site web. Nous vous aviserons lors de la collecte de renseignements si nous prévoyons partager ces renseignements avec ces tiers et, le cas échéant, nous préciserons le type d’entreprise avec qui nous pourrions partager vos renseignements et décrirons les renseignements que nous transmettrons (par exemple, votre adresse postale ou votre adresse électronique) et nous ne partagerons vos renseignements que si vous y consentez. Nous ne partagerons des renseignements personnels qu’avec les entités qui ont accepté d’appliquer des politiques dont les normes de confidentialité sont aussi rigoureuses que les nôtres.

Liens et avis de non-responsabilité des sites liés

Veuillez noter qu'une fois que vous avez cliqué sur un lien sur le site du Lobby Registry, vous pouvez quitter le site du Lobby Registry vers un site qui n'est plus sous le contrôle du Lobby Registry et auquel notre politique de confidentialité ne s'applique plus. Vous devez lire la politique de confidentialité, le cas échéant, de chaque site lié pour voir comment vos informations personnelles seront traitées sur leur site.

Lobby Registry collecte-t-il des informations personnelles sur les enfants ?

Protecting the privacy of children under the age of 13 is important to us. For that reason, we never knowingly solicit, collect, store or disclose information via our Sites from children who are under 13 years of age. No part of our Site is structured to attract anyone under the age of 13. If a child under the age of 13 wishes to disclose to us personal information, he/she must provide us with his/her parent’s or legal guardian’s e-mail address so that we can obtain express consent. If a child has already provided us with personal information, his/her parent or legal guardian may contact us for the purpose of correcting or deleting such information.

Quel type de sécurité le Lobby Registry offre-t-il ?

La sécurité des renseignements personnels collectés sur le site web de J-SAS revêt une importance capitale pour nous. Nous avons pris des mesures de sécurité techniques, contractuelles, administratives et physiques pour protéger les renseignements personnels que nous collectons de vous sur le site web de J-SAS. Le niveau de sécurité de ces mesures est approprié au degré de confidentialité des renseignements que nous collectons. Nous révisons régulièrement nos mesures de sécurité.

Avec qui dois-je communiquer si j’ai des questions ou des préoccupations au sujet de la présente politique de confidentialité ?

If you need further assistance, if you wish to access and correct any errors in your personally identifiable information or would like to limit our use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us at or by visiting Lobby Registry’s website and clicking on “Contact Us” to submit your inquiry. Please note that this privacy policy is with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information through the Lobby Registry Site only.

Changements à la politique

This Privacy Policy was last updated on July 19, 2024. If there will be any update, amendment, or changes to our Privacy Policy then these will be posted on this page

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